I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. Shopping for parents can be hard.
Especially shopping for dads. It’s something I’ve struggled with pretty much since age 12. Before that a hand-written card or a crayon drawing with ‘Word’s Best Dad’ would suffice, but as I got older I realized just how hard it is to show your dad how much he means to you. Mother’s day has always come a bit more naturally. Flowers and brunch, maybe a shopping trip, and some small piece of jewelry always seemed to do the trick. But for me, shopping for my dad has always been tricky.

I think it’s because most gifting that surrounds Father’s Day centers around things my dad isn’t interested in. He doesn’t watch sports, he doesn’t like to golf, and I think I’ve only seen him begrudgingly wear a tie on a handful of occasions. All of those trope-y dad gifts that are advertised each year never quite seemed to fit him. But at the same time, he’s my dad and I always wanted to find a way to make him feel special. So when I spotted some of the options available at Shinola, I knew I had struck gold.
My dad has actually been a fan of Shinola for a few years. He doesn’t own any of their pieces, but I knew he was familiar with the brand. He recently started a new position at his job, so I wanted to get him something for the holiday that he could use or wear at work. Something that might show him just an ounce of how much he means to me. Dads are complicated by nature, so finding just the right piece would be tricky. Fortunately the Shinola store near me in the Arts District has a lot of options to choose from.

If you’re not familiar with the brand, Shinola is headquartered in Detroit. They make watches, leather goods, bikes, and a whole lot more. Their entire brand identity revolves around not only the timelessness of their pieces, but also the craftsmanship that goes into them. Every detail is looked after, and nothing about their style feels overly-complicated or contrived. Everything just feels so perfectly classic.
At first I toyed with the idea of getting my dad a wallet. They have some really lovely leather wallets and a whole station in the shop to have their pieces monogrammed. I loved the way the leather felt, and while I know my dad is probably in need of a chic new wallet, the watches are what really caught my eye.

My dad always wore a watch when I was a kid. I don’t remember exactly what the watch looked like, but I remember it being bulky and clunky. It definitely wasn’t stylish, but it served the purpose of telling the time. With my dad starting his new position at work, I wanted to gift him something special. Sure, something to tell the time, but also something personal and meant for him. A classic gift, for a classic dad. I looked at their selection, and narrowed in on their Runwell Automatic watch collection – specifically this watch with a beautiful leather strap and a black watch face. Everything about it felt so understatedly lux, and I could immediately see my dad wearing it. I debated a few other styles, but with the help of a sales assistant, we decided on the one I fell in love with first.
It was placed into a gorgeous wooden box, wrapped up, and I was on my way. Finally with a gift that felt worthy of my amazing dad.

June 07, 2019
Everyone who works at the shinola in the arts district is so nice and they always have treats for my pups! Definitely will be stopping by for Father’s Day gifts now @meganmiller1901
Lita (@lita_bonet)
June 07, 2019
Ever since I got my dad into fashion in high school (s/o to Banana Republic, basically the fashionable dad gateway drug), I try to find him new cool pieces for each holiday. He would love this stuff, and that’s saying something because he’s a total diva now!
June 07, 2019
Loved this post! I also find fathers day to be super tricky! Usually the posts center around sports and booze so its tough to find the perfect gift.. loved your choice; im betting your father will love it! @nicole.priuli
June 07, 2019
I got my dad a watch for Father’s Day! He uses all his clothes and accessories until they fall apart. I should really follow his example. Thanks for all the inspiration! ❤️@lauren_lynch
June 07, 2019
Gorgeous watches! There’s something so appealing about a man who wears a watch. So classy and sophisticated! @almostrachelle
Shelby R
June 07, 2019
So helpful! I always struggle picking out a gift for my dad. @shelbyeverette
June 07, 2019
These are beautiful! I like that they are sleek and a little bit low profile. Might have to consider it for my boyfriend too! @outsideline
June 07, 2019
This is such a great idea. Also glad no one else knows what to get for Father’s Day. Our poor dads.
June 07, 2019
Love these watches. So classy! My husband is a very low key guy, so I normally find fun and quirky gifts for him for Father’s Day. This year it was goofy socks with our daughters’ faces on them from DivvyUp! He loves his sock collection and these turned out great.
IG: @ragpepper
June 07, 2019
I love Shinola! I’ve been to the arts district location many times for gifts. It’s the perfect place to shop for Father’s Day! @lizdixonvixon
June 07, 2019
My dad is the same ! He’s not into sports , golf ,and hardly wears ties. So it’s quite difficult to gift him things. But this is a great idea ! Gifting him a watch that isn’t too bulky or too small is the perfect gift. Thank you ! @arisbet_r
Alyssa Pistone
June 07, 2019
Such a good read! This is my first year with (almost) in-laws and this was super helpful. So many cute ideas. Love the blog!! Xo, @alyssaniecol
June 07, 2019
My husband’s birthday (just a fur dad for now) is just before Father’s Day, and this reminds me he needs a new leather travel bag. Love a leather good! @lenora_jane
June 07, 2019
I never know what to get my dad. This was super helpful. Love it!! 🙂 @megstippich
Hannah Eberhardt
June 07, 2019
Dads are so hard! Thanks for this cool post!! @hannahhardt
Kadeeja Best
June 07, 2019
Love this post! I know some of us can’t/don’t celebrate Father’s Day for one reason or another, but I think these are really just wonderful gift ideas for any of the great men(my hubs) in your life!
IG: @thebestofk
June 07, 2019
This is perfect! For my hubby as well
Heidi M
June 07, 2019
This post really resonated with me. It’s always been a struggle growing up with divorced parents and stepparents. As a kid, I found it odd that they didn’t make things catered to stepparents like “World’s #1 stepdad” or something like that. @peachypinnacles
June 07, 2019
what a beautiful store! you always have the best recommendations.
June 07, 2019
Great post! I am in the same boat. My dad isn’t into sports and has never worn a tie in his life! I always struggle to find him something for Father’s Day (I am 27 and still making crafts and hand-written cards, though he seems to love things like that). A nice wallet is a great idea! My dad will carry a wallet until it is falling apart! @adrianalanier
Kate Laver
June 07, 2019
This is awesome! I never know what to get my dad; he usually ends up with socks, a tie or a hug lol! @k8lvr
Katefacekate (same on insta ;))
June 07, 2019
Those watches are so beautiful! I’ve always had that issue with my dad but for a slightly different reason, most years Father’s Day falls ON his birthday. We try to make it extra special and not combine the 2 but it’s hard!
June 07, 2019
Love this! Dads are so hard to shop for. I’ve been defaulting to buying my dad a bottle of wine for nearly every occasion, lol. This inspires me to try a gift with a little more longevity! @elderberrylane
Nicole Spacek
June 07, 2019
Shopping for gifts for Father’s Day is difficult. These are great options and beautiful too! @nicole_spacek
Megan Uffens
June 07, 2019
My Dad is literally the most selfless, unmaterialistic person I’ve ever met. So difficult to shop for. But I can see him wearing one of these watches! Thank you! @meguffens
June 07, 2019
so sweet & thoughtful! dads are notoriously hard to shop for. @brightandclear
June 07, 2019
This blog post was very much needed. I was leaning towards a Red Lobster giftcard- you saved me! Though who doesn’t love that bread? @vanessalarkin
June 07, 2019
Thanks for being so open on here and on Instagram.
Angel L.
June 07, 2019
I’ve found the gift my father enjoys the most on Father’s Day is time spent together & a home cooked meal. Love these ideas! @angelizkewl
June 07, 2019
I never know what to get for Father’s Day and end up getting my dad the same things every year! This was super helpful! IG: livingrosecolored
June 07, 2019
These are gorgeous pieces! Such great ideas for the modern and classic dad. Expanding my ideas for my dad and step dad!! Thank you!! -@lysshouse
Rachel Middleton
June 07, 2019
Shopping for dads is SO hard! I think you nailed it! @rachellynly
June 07, 2019
Oh this is genius. My dad is equally difficult to buy gifts for, and has barely any hobbies because he’s working all of the time. I guess it’s time for me to drop by this store! I’m so glad I found you through Moptop. Thanks for all of this! @Courtney.jenae
Candice Benson
June 07, 2019
I love this post!! I’ve always had a hard time shopping for my dad on Father’s Day and this really helped. Thank you for the info.
June 07, 2019
Thank you, this is really helpful!! I always struggle with gifting !! @manya505
June 07, 2019
Love this idea! Our dad’s seem a lot alike. I always have a hard time finding something that fits his personality as he’s not the typical trope-y dad either. The wallets would also be great to get engraved to add a nice personal touch. @schmandyy
Giselle Robertson
June 07, 2019
Shinola is amazing! The staff is always great and they really do have meaningful gifts! @gisellerobertson
June 07, 2019
I totally understand. My dad isn’t into any of those stereotypical “dad things”. So much so – that it’s almost impossible to even find him a card for Father’s Day because most of them reflect those stereotypes. In the past, I’ve made some type of piece of artwork – or something sentimental – photos, etc. // @thedoctorette
Kyla Whittenberg @kylaquay
June 07, 2019
What a gorgeous and great gift! Something he’ll look at everyday and think of you – how special. Also a little obsessed with the box haha
June 07, 2019
this is so sweet! Father’s Day gifts can definitely be tough to find and this is SUCH a great way to show your dad how much you care ❤️ I’ll definitely have to take inspo from this 🙂 – @katekleiin
Alice Rojas
June 07, 2019
What a lovely post! It’s the fisrt father’s day for my brother and this really gave me a lot of great gift ideas for him and my dad. @rojasalice
June 07, 2019
Very Helpful Post- @AmberLynn08
June 07, 2019
I went to Shinola to buy some notebooks last December. Everything there was so nice and so were the employees that worked there. I found so many other cool items that I loved but prob way too cool for my dad. @nicafterdark
June 07, 2019
Love this! I picked a watch for my dad.
Also, thanks for making me discover Biossance, it changed my life
IG : mademoiselle____m
June 07, 2019
shopping for parents truly is so hard, especially with my dad. these watches are absolutely beautiful i know he’d love one! thank you for ideas! xx @tatianna.gabrielle
Kristin (@ohkreestin)
June 07, 2019
I love this watch! Father’s Day gifts are the hardest for sure. This is such a classy idea!
June 07, 2019
Such a beautiful post! It’s nice to hear about your family. He’s a lucky dad to have a wonderfully thoughtful daughter. Thank you for sharing!
June 07, 2019
This is a great idea! I’m going to get my dad an instantpot because he was obsessed with mine when I visited. Sounds strange but I think a lot of men like them!
June 07, 2019
Good call on this’ll. Shinola is a dreeeaaam. @hannahcady
June 07, 2019
Si! Muy cierto! It’s so hard finding something for my hubby on Father’s Day. I always want to make it special and bless him with something meaningful. He deserves it! @thalyn
June 07, 2019
shopping for dad is the worst! love these classy but handy ideas, and your photos convey the atmosphere of the place perfectly! ❤️ @mira.ne
June 07, 2019
All gifts are so stylish!
Rowan Hall
June 07, 2019
Can I admit I’d also wear any of these men’s watches myself??? I love these gift ideas – the Father’s Day cliches are usually so wrong for my family.
June 07, 2019
I love the classy, subtle feel of these products for father’s day– much less “in your face” than the typical gifts, and many are things I can see my dad really using instead of displaying for a bit out of obligation then putting in a cabinet (I’m looking at you, #1 dad mug). His wallet is on its last leg and now I know where to start my search! @springavalon
Juliette (@july_dli)
June 07, 2019
I totally agree, it is so haaard to find gifts for dads (and men in general actually)!! Mine already has everything so finding something for him is especially hard! I usually go with very weird stuff to make him laugh!Though you can never go wrong with leather 😉 thanks for sharing!!
Jaka Ceesay
June 07, 2019
I feel as worthy to read this blogpost on a Tuesday afternoon, as my dad felt after purchasing him a Shinola watch. Thank you for your content!
Instagram @Queen_Ceesay
Vickii IG: 63vip
June 07, 2019
A stylish watch is always a great gift, personal and classy
Heather Czajkowski
June 07, 2019
I love a good watch. Such a staple to any wardrobe. And a great gift idea for Father’s Day but also many other occasions too. You just can’t go wrong with a nice watch. Thanks for sharing! @seasonofheather
June 07, 2019
The color pallet of you in that store is just beautiful <3 IG: clarita.feliz
June 07, 2019
Father’s Day is always such a tricky one for me, I just never know what to get him! This watch is beautiful and I love how even it fits your theme! Wishing you & your dad the happiest Father’s Day! @liv43965
June 07, 2019
Favorite lifestyle blogger, ever. You’re aesthetic is curated so effortlessly & has opened my taste up to many things I would have otherwise been uninterested in. Continue on your authentic path, because you’re killing it!! <3 @chubbycheekins
June 07, 2019
Happy to see someone I follow write about Father’s Day! I feel like a lot of girls skip out on that day so I really enjoyed this post. My dad is a pilot and travels most of the time so finding a gift for him has always been hard. I agree with you, by nature, moms tend to come a little easier for daughters haha. I’ve been thinking about getting my dad a nice automatic watch since he travels so often so I’ll definitely check out Shinola in my search! 🙂 Also wanted to be entered into your IG giveaway- my handle is @madyline thank you!!
June 07, 2019
Watches are such a lovely gift! A shame that my dad absolutely hates wearing them…ig: @jo.mnk
June 07, 2019
It was my father’s birthday few days ago and I caught myself again thinking about what to buy next for Father’s Day. These watches are beautiful and with this packaging I think it will be a perfect combo! My father is working with wood and makes wooden decorations, plus he’s always late. He definitely needs this! :)))
June 07, 2019
Ohhh My IG: @hena.kadic
June 07, 2019
I love have classic their products are. I have my eye on the wallets for my brothers upcoming birthday!
Devon Murphy
June 07, 2019
Your blog is beautiful, but I think I found your ig first. I admire your style and love the colours you use
Lis (@misslisard)
June 07, 2019
I’ve always said it’s hard shopping for parents too! They’ve been around twice as long as I have, what could they possibly want! I like the watch idea though, I don’t know if I’ve ever seen my dad wear a watch!
June 07, 2019
Love how dedicated they are with every piece, great idea for Father’s Day! I enjoy reading it and felt sooo related as I also struggle with finding the perfect gift for my dad. @loveartdesign_
Hazel Goh
June 07, 2019
Omgosh thank you for this reminder because I totally forgot father’s day was coming up!! Those watches are simple gorgeous by the way, my dad is such a huge fan of watches this would definitely be right up his alley :P. @beansawayy
June 07, 2019
Dad’s are so hard to shop for, but I bet my dad would love this! @jaimeexplores
June 07, 2019
Such a timeless Father’s Day gift. Those watches are beautiful.
IG misskellyclare
June 07, 2019
First blog I have read of your, loved it. @22itsthelittlethings
Naudia Rodriguez
June 07, 2019
I love this! This is my first time on your blog and I wish I would’ve visited sooner! I just love your aesthetic and style of writing. Your photography skills are amazing as well. I cant wait to see what’s to come on the blog now! Hope you have a wonderful day, and thank you for being such a positive influencer. – @naudia.00
June 07, 2019
Their watches look so classy and gorgeous, I could stare at them all day! Such a great gift for Father’s Day or even for any special man in your life @kathiolla
June 07, 2019
These colors are so dreamy and such a great Father’s Day gift! Thanks for taking time to create content for us to swoon at
IG- @jordyn.hodge
June 07, 2019
Love your blog, have followed for the past year and just adore your style and content!
Lydia Hand
June 07, 2019
I completely agree with you! Shopping for my dad has always been harder than shopping for anyone else in my family. Those wallets look amazing! IG: @lyds_hand
Sarah Beth Horn
June 07, 2019
Love! My boyfriend’s dad has been an enigma this year! Thanks Courtney
June 07, 2019
So helpful. I always struggle to find a gift for my dad @hthrlnpck
Ashlee Stormo
June 07, 2019
Such a sweet idea – it really *is* so so hard finding gifts for parents. Love the watch idea, what a timeless, classic gift. I’ve been following your IG for a few years & for some reason haven’t made it here before this, you have a stunning writing voice! Cheers, & good luck w/ that HBO audition ♡ @ashleestormo
June 08, 2019
I am actually so stoked you did this blog because Ive been debating about what to get my dad for father’s day and i seriously think he’ll love this!!! thank you
monika tiemann
June 07, 2019
love this! it’s my husbands first father’s day . we have a 10 month old, so i’m excited to pick out something special. this blog definitely helped! so now it’s between a shinola or a VR set decisions, decisions…. @eatpraygrow