Admittedly this is a recipe I’ve shared before, but as I’ve found a cute new way to make this cake, you’ll forgive me for resharing it, right?
I love spiced cakes like this because they make such a perfect morning or mid-afternoon treat. They’re with plenty of honey baked into the cake + lots of allspice and cinnamon, and they pair beautifully with a cup of tea or coffee. What makes this iteration of the recipe a bit different is simply the pan I used, a muffin tin with 6 little beehives waiting to be eaten.

When I say I’m obsessed with this pan (also available here and in a larger version here), I mean it. It’s more than I’ve spent on bakeware in a while, but the quality is incredible. And since this is the first bake I’ve done with our new oven (more on that soon), I wanted it to be special. I used this recipe here, with a few changes; I swapped the fresh ginger for allspice + cinnamon, and had to convert the figures to cups rather than grams. Other than that, make sure to grease your pans well (I used butter) and you’re good to go! I skipped the glaze and opted for powdered sugar + small flowers. I used honey to attach the flowers and will remove them before eating, but couldn’t resist going a little cottage-y with this look. Next time I’ll use chamomile to be a bit more on theme, but couldn’t track any down at my local store this week.
If you happen to make these, please let me know! Would love to see you version too.

Dee Fava
April 25, 2021
Your honeybee cakes are so adorable! Thank you for sharing them. I hope to make them one day now! Can I ask where you found your beautiful china/the name of your china please?
Courtney Halverson
April 26, 2021
Hi! It’s called the Coquette pattern from Lenox!
April 15, 2021
Dead,, this is so cute Courtney!! So impressed with the result. Baking while listening to podcasts sounds wonderful, I like to tune in on clubhouse haha